Monday, August 6, 2012

Antigua-Sunday Night

Perhaps the most difficult part of staying in Antigua for a year has been seeing the other volunteers come and go. These are truly my kindred souls; the helpers, the softies, the world's bleeding hearts. Most of them arrive and stay for 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 2 months; sometimes more, sometimes less.

Yesterday, August 5, 2012 was a remarkable day. Deb's mom went to heaven, it was Katie's 15th birthday, and NASA landed the rover "Curiosity" on Mars. For me it was a little lonely. No one I knew to have dinner with.Time to scout for some new friends.

In the evening I walked to Dona Luisa's for a bowl of great chili and a huge piece of carrot cake. Afterwards (6:30 PM ish) I disobeyed the first and foremost rule of being a foreigner in Guatemala. NEVER walk ALONE after dark. I stayed in well lit areas, near restaurants and groups of tourists. The air was a cool and calm 74 degrees. Marimbas could be heard from most hotels and restaurants. With sunset, the vendors quit trying to get you to buy textiles and toys.

Out comes the food! The sub sandwiches abound. Beans, cabbage, veggies, enchiladas, sweets of every kind. There are huge vats of hot oil, electric cords, kids and bright lights. The rythmn and smells are enticing and unique.
I slipped into La Merced for 7 PM Mass and lost myself in an ocean of ebony haired gente. I listened to the story of the Transfiguration in Spanish and watched some obviously homeless folk reverently go to communion.

I scooted home quickly at the end, avoiding San Sebastian Park and opting to hurry down Calle Anche. I don't recommend this excursion unless you are "in group" and saavy in the ways of Central American cities. Until then, enjoy my pictures from the safety of home.

P.S. This morning I have a new friend! Welcome to my life E.S. from Missouri/Guatemala/Colombia/ and Uganda

Love to all of you in Blogland, Noanie/Joanne

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