Dear Friends in Blogland- I am alive and well with a new stainless steel bionic shoulder. The muscles and ligaments are healthy and working on getting reattached to bone. I am at home doing a few leisurely things, AND taking naps. I wish I could be taking walks too, but at the moment, the world is pretty much a skating rink.
Today Grace took me to see my hairdresser who washed and dried my hair. Then while Grace had her turn, I got a manicure.It felt pretty good to get out of the house and feel like I looked nice-- and we are only 5 days post op. The new shoulder gives very little pain which is well controlled with NSAIDS. On Friday, I see a Physical therapist, and on Monday, Dr Gattey.
I have had so many wonderful helpers already this week. I need to thank Carol, Angie, Grace, Lynette, and Karlee for their assists at dressing and washing up-- and Jaycee for the great hotdish and brownies. I also got tulips from my newest grandson and his parents.
I hope life is also treating you well. Greetings to the MC1 ER Crew. I will have stories to tell.
Here are a couple good pix. XOXOXO Noanie
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