This afternoon was a #10 +++!! After all the crappy weather- I found a new yarn store in downtown Bismarck on Broadway Ave. It is owned and operated by a delightful lady who had her personally knit creations throughout the store. She had dozens of designer yarns that I've only heard about or ordered on line. There were lots of very soft, hand dyed yarns, bright colors, llama yarn, mohairs, and bamboo. Lots were foreign made.
Cheri is truly an artist. She combines color and texture in marvelous new ways, and many of the items were of her own design. I totally lost myself in the interesting ways she used felting, shaping, and contrasting stitches. By comparison I am only a craft person -- choosing single yarns to work patterns written by others.
Here is a picture of some of the yarn that made it's way home with me. The one on the left is 100% wool by "Collinette." It is called Blue Parrot and is a sock weight made in Wales.
The middle is a tubular knit cord made in Italy by Monterey for Tahki. I have used this company's products before (see my Tahki mitts)but never this type. The main colorway is green and rust.
The yarn on the right is probably my favorite. It is a combo yarn with wool, synthetics, and 11% silk made by a well known Japanese company called Noro. I have never been able to buy Noro in Bismarck. I totally love the colors.
I wish this wonderful lady a long and successful tenure in Bismarck. We need quality merchants and she is it. If you have a chance, please offer her your support.
What a great April 1st tale. xoxo Noanie
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