Monday, September 28, 2009

Projects and Projections

This has been kind of a clean-up and finish up week. I made this little make up bag out of leftover yarn from the eco shopping bag, and I've tried to put away things I am not using to make space for Christmas ideas and projects. It has gotten chilly so it is easy to think of warmer clothes and fall colors.

The knit swatch is an idea I've had percolating since the street fair last week. This wool yarn has gorgeous fall colors and makes a very pretty cable. The sample is on size 9 needles which would be great for a sweater, but I am now working with size 6 which makes a tighter, denser fabric and would be perfect (I think) for a decorative pillow cover.........

Work on my sun room continues in fits and starts. The siding is done and it has now been wired. I have the fence people, the sprinkler people, and the sod people lined up to do their parts in the next two weeks-- and an interior design lady who is helping me with carpet and flooring for both the house and the sun room. Here is a current picture from the outside.
Have a great week and stay warm. I think it would be great to welcome October with some nice orange pumpkins on an end table... xoxox Noanie

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