Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mystery Project

This week, the project is done in crochet !! The last crochet project was WJ's aviator scarf to celebrate his solo flight several years ago.. This pattern really caught my eye-- and right now, it looks pretty strange. However, I am expecting a very cute result. Tune in soon to check out the finish.
This week was actually kind of yukky. Weather-wise it snowed several times, the leaves which had just begun to change, succumbed to the hard frost and hit the ground. It feels like we were deprived of Fall altogether. The flu is rampant in Bismarck which makes the hospital very busy, and the night pharmacist quite cranky.
The sun room is not as far along as I'd like, and I have winter and summer clothes both in a pile on my floor.I keep threatening to move-- but I really don't want hurricanes, earthquakes or tsunamis either. Oh well.. onward we go.
Have a good week- see if you can identify the new project. Love etc, Noanie

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Pot holders? scrubby things?