Thursday, November 18, 2010

Miss Anja

Here is a small princess wearing Noanie's Bobble Sweater. It was knit with a fine ribbon which gives it a crinkly texture and a slight sheen. Anja is 16 mo old and belongs to Andrea and Kyle. This is her first appearance in the Blog, but I expect her back because she sometimes wears a Noanie's Knits Sock Monkey hat. Stay tuned!

It is definitely November in North Dakota. One of my elves (Eric) helped me paint my kitchen an olive green. It looks good against my new tile and as a "frame" for the wood in the sun room. Anything that warms things up is welcome this time of year-- and it should look nice as a background for Christmas decoration.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Remember to tell at least one person that you are thankful to have them in your life. XOXO  Noanie

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