They say company is a little like fish... wonderful on the first day, but smelly by the 3rd. In the case of winter, it is beautiful during the first month, but most unwelcome (smelly?) by month 5 ! As you may have guessed, it has been stormy in the Dakotas yet again.... snow, wind, bitter cold, and big drifts. I had planned to be on my way to GF to help teach knitting at Deb's Textile Class at Grand Forks Central High, but there was no choice about rescheduling. Both major highways between here and there are closed anyway.
So I am moping a little, watching some movies and of course, knitting a little too. Last Saturday, Madam Butterfly was just fantastic. It was videoed in live from the MET in NYC to one of the giant screen theaters at the Grand. We even had real programs and comfy chairs. You could see the beads of sweat on the Diva's forehead. I hope they will consider making more
After the opera, I was energized to finish the "Bounce" hat, a slouchy tam I did in a varigated wool/mohair. Now I am back working on the Lettuce sweater, and have started the Fisherman's Rib (Brioche) part of the body. It is rather loose knit and progressing well. I will attach pix of both so you can see I am not totally wasting my time.
Next weekend (Mar 21st) will be Lucas' baptism. I am sooooo excited to see him again, though I am afraid this time I will have to share him with lots of other people. April will bring the rescheduled knitting class and Easter, and May will bring Nicole's graduation from Little Rock. I suppose I will be back at work before I am done having fun. Hopefully, the smell of winter will be gone by then. Is there anyone out there who would like to shavel one more time?
Happy Equinox. XOXOXOXOX Noanie
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