Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy Hat

This is an Aviator style hat that whipped up in just a couple hours. The "sections" are created by a technique called "Short Row Knitting." You see it in sox but I've never been very good at it. This was the perfect project to really learn how it should go-- and now that I understand it, it will be easy to do again. It is Paton's Merino, a medium weight wool, knit on size 8s.

Lucy is doing fine, thank you. She left her bandage on for 2 full days, then got it off. The poor ear bled just a little, then seemed to have clotted for good. It is rather sad looking, and I haven't dared wash the remaining blood off, but Lucy appears to feel fine, so I will be thankful for that. I think she may have been hiding under the bed in the upstairs spare bedroom and got it caught between the spring and the frame. That is based solely on the huge quantity of blood between the bed and the window. I don't think I will ever know.

The sun room continues to evolve. It now has a roof, shingles, window, and a door. I hope steps are coming soon.I am now planning to put sprinklers and sod in the back. I can't decide if it is too late for ground cover plants.
The Pow-Wow is in Bismarck this weekend. It looks like it might be rainy, but I doubt rain will stop festivities.
Have a great weekend wherever you are. XOXO Noanie

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