Thursday, January 14, 2010

Delta Zeta

Delta Zeta must have been an Egyptian princess. Thus, my very pretty Delta Zetan niece Jackie, modeling her Noanie's knit ear warmer and mitts. I think it is her first appearance as a VIP on my blog-- so Welcome Jackie !! Jackie is a Jr at Creighton University and a budding social activist.. daughter of my brother Dave and his wife, Pam.

On a more somber note, Jackie and I have both spent some time in the very poor countries of Central America trying to share what we can. Today Haiti is in real trouble after a series of devastating earthquakes. They are in need of our prayers, talents and money-- as are the folks involved with the organizations trying to help. Please do whatever you can. Catholic Charities might be a good reliable place to start. God forgive me when I whine--

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