Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Hi  everyone,

It has been a beautiful week in blogland. Though we've had lots of rain, we've also had warm sunny days. The grass looks good (finally) and the trees are growing like weeds.
I have a new picture of each grandson. Lucas is now 18 moinths! and Andre is 5 yo. Our days with small people is so short... we need to enjoy every growing day.
Andre was here a couple days this week as his normal sitter is out of town. What a character! His vocab is excptional-- and he knows and uses the fact that a smile from him gets almost anything he wants.
Tomorrow am I am headed to Minneapolis to visit my Dad who recently had surgery on his shoulder. I will bring my knitting and my Kindle.. and see what I get accomplished during down time. I did finish a little hoodie last week... done in a very easy, lacey stitch. It is small-- for a babe with an 18 in chest-- maybe a 5-6 pounder or a premie. I almost ripped it... but decided it was too cute. Have a great week in Blogland!

 Hugs, Noanie

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