Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Time in September

Wow, 33 yrs ago today, I picked plums on a step stool at my Mom and Dad's house on Chestnut Street. I was 2 weeks late with my first baby and I felt huge, tired, and scared that my baby would weigh 10 lb! Here he is today with his beautiful wife, Sally. They are on the Chicago waterfront, the city they call home. It is amazing to see the adult he has become. Congratulations, son.

I have also been working on some knitting, born of frustration with the basement and my attempts to toss as much as possible and repackage things I cannot part with in PLASTIC tubs rather than cardboard boxes.

This pattern is a tiered baby coat and it still lacks sleeves and buttons. Hopefully, it will look more like a coat and less like a dress when it is finished. I think I will put it aside now and tackle a ringbearer pillow and bridal purse. Knitting is still my best way to relieve stress and tension.

Have a great September, filled with TIMES to REMEMBER.
xoxo Noanie

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